Friday, January 30, 2009

breakfast: peppermint tea and oatmeal


Unknown said...

You capture the beauty of our simple, daily acts so wonderfully...

Andi said...

Mmmmm! Sounds good! I know your mom doesn't like oatmeal, but I found this recipe you might like to try for her: (It makes a lot)
Skillet Granola- to the table in less than 30 minutes
1 cup oil with 1 cup honey, heated together in skillet
12 cups oats- stir in with dash of cinnamon, keep stirring at low-medium heat until well coated and lightly brown (15-20 min)
Then add 3 cup dried fruit. Serve with milk.

Simply Stork said...

oh looks like a very warming and filling breakfast indeed :o)


Ginger said...

Why do you take such good pictures? Grrrrr.